Dire Dawa- Dewolle

Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise (ETRE) was established in 2014 G.C. to manage operates and maintains federal toll roads in Ethiopia. ETRE had begun its own work by opened the road for traffic in Addis Ababa- Adama expressway in September 2014 G.C.

Dire Dawa- Dewolle (DD) is the second toll road in Ethiopia next to Addis- Adama expressway. The Government of Ethiopia understood the benefits of toll roads and has trying to build other roads in different part of Ethiopia.

DD Toll Road
DD Toll Road
DD Toll Booth

DD toll road investment cost was ETB 5.2 billion, the source of finance 85% loan from the China Export- Import bank and 15% grant by the Government of Ethiopia. CGC was also the contractor of the road.

The toll road of DD has 223 km length, 10 m width with 2 lanes and each lane 3.5 m wide. The road has 3 m asphalt shoulder in both side. There are 29 Overpasses for the local community to access the other side of the road.

It was opened for traffic in June, 2019 to provide toll road services for road users. Dire Dawa- Dewolle is a safe, confortable, and reliable toll road that use several toll collection and traffic management technologies.

In the country story, DD is the first toll road through high length. The toll road has three toll plaza (i.e Lasdere at km 16, Biyodile at km 120 and Dewolle at km 220) with 12 entrances and 12 exits toll gates overall. In all station there is modern toll collection model with organized monitoring system.

The road expected that will serve for 17 years. According to this, there are three permanent overload control stations with weight in motion technology to deter overload vehicles, to prevent the risk that overloaded vehicles destroying the road and to keep the road safety.

Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise has providing 24/7 service. Road patrolling traffic operation is one of the services that giving in 24 hours by educated and skilled man power to respond any kind of situation that clients faces when they are using the road.

DD toll road uses open model tall collection model. The Enterprise providing efficient services with the workers, who have a spirit of servant. When the client drive with the settled speed limitation and travel lane; they will pay ETB 100 for light, 200 for mediates and 250 for heavy vehicles. The system of payment is 50% at the entrance, 25% at the second station and the last 25% in the exit toll gates.

Dire Dawa- Dewolle has answered the question of the society about modern road and it has a lot of benefits; It can reduce the distance between the cities and make strong relation among people, It has a role to traffic flow activities as a main corridor in Import- Export trade from Djibouti sea’s port, It decrease the trip by 50 km according to Awash- Mille- Djibouti road and It create 200 work opportunity for the society who are living around the road.